Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Guatemala Day 1

Guatemala Day 1:
¡Bienvenidos a Guatemala! We arrived in Guatemala City after about 12 hours of traveling. At the airport, we met Robyn (a volunteer at Long Way Home) and Feliciano (the owner of the hotel we're staying at). After a pit stop at a Walmart, we drove on switchback roads up the mountains for 2 hours to arrive in Comalapa, the village where we're staying. Our hotel is very nice: bright yellow with a roof where you can watch the sunset or look at the stars. The weather was chillier than we expected - most of us are wearing pants and sweatshirts. After we unpacked, lunch was waiting for us: vegetables and rice, potatoes, mini tortillas, and a delicious tomato sauce! 

After lunch, we got a tour of Comalapa from one of the Long Way Home staff. We saw the iglesias (churches) as well as the longest painted mural in all of Guatemala, which is in this village! There are many stray dogs on the streets and we greet everyone with "buenos días" or "buenas tardes." For dinner, we had vegetable soup and we got to see what the street vendors are like in the evening. Tomorrow we will visit the construction site and start working!

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